The investigators propose a mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) study of distributed content leadership in middle school mathematics. There is little research on what content, pedagogical, and diagnostic knowledge leaders must have to effectively assist teachers in implementing demands of rigorous mathematics instruction and student learning. This research builds on prior research of the investigators who examined distributed leadership at the elementary school level. However, this research will go much deeper into defining and understanding the leaders and the roles they play.
The project proposes to develop, test, and validate measurement instruments of content leadership practice and knowledge and to examine how content leadership affects how teachers teach. It will also test whether content leadership can be learned. All of this work will be conducted in the context of a Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) Teacher Institute for the 21sth Century site.
Project Contributions
Intra- and Interschool Interactions about Instruction: Exploring the Conditions for Social Capital Development
"Although social ties are a necessary condition for social capital, there is a dearth of research on the factors associated with the existence of such ties among school staff. Using…
"Although social ties are a necessary condition for social capital, there is a dearth of research on the factors associated with the existence of such ties among school staff. Using…
Negotiating Policy Meanings in School Administrative Practice: Practice, Professionalism, and High Stakes Accountability in a Shifting Policy Environment
"Using a micro-sociological approach, this paper examines how school leaders and teachers negotiate the meanings of emerging high stakes accountability policy in formal school meetings. In doing so, the chapter…
"Using a micro-sociological approach, this paper examines how school leaders and teachers negotiate the meanings of emerging high stakes accountability policy in formal school meetings. In doing so, the chapter…
Primary School Leadership Practice: how the subject matters
"Teaching is a critical consideration in investigations of primary school leadership and not just as an outcome variable. Factoring in instruction as an explanatory variable in scholarship on school leadership...
"Teaching is a critical consideration in investigations of primary school leadership and not just as an outcome variable. Factoring in instruction as an explanatory variable in scholarship on school leadership...
Taking a Distributed Perspective: Epistemological and methodological tradeoffs in operationalizing the leader-plus aspect
"Purpose - This paper is concerned with the epistemological and methodological challenges involved in studying the distribution of leadership across people within the school - the leader-plus aspect of a…
"Purpose - This paper is concerned with the epistemological and methodological challenges involved in studying the distribution of leadership across people within the school - the leader-plus aspect of a…
Assessing the Utility of a Daily Log for Measuring Principal Leadership Practice
"Purpose: This study examines the feasibility and utility of a daily log for measuring principal leadership practice. Setting and Sample: The study was conducted in an urban district with approximately…
"Purpose: This study examines the feasibility and utility of a daily log for measuring principal leadership practice. Setting and Sample: The study was conducted in an urban district with approximately…
School Leaders' Opportunities to Learn: a descriptive analysis from a distributed perspective
"Most work on professional learning opportunities in education focuses on classroom teachers and school principals. In this paper the authors take a broader look at school leaders' opportunities to learn…
"Most work on professional learning opportunities in education focuses on classroom teachers and school principals. In this paper the authors take a broader look at school leaders' opportunities to learn…
Understanding Teacher Leadership in Middle School Mathematics: A Collaborative Research Effort
"We report findings from a collaborative research effort designed to examine how teachers act as leaders in their schools. We find that teachers educated by the Math in the Middle…
"We report findings from a collaborative research effort designed to examine how teachers act as leaders in their schools. We find that teachers educated by the Math in the Middle…
Taking a Distributed Perspective in Studying School Leadership and Management: Epistemological and Methodological Trade-offs
"Taking a distributed perspective has the potential to offer fresh insights into how school leadership and management contributes to the school improvement process...
"Taking a distributed perspective has the potential to offer fresh insights into how school leadership and management contributes to the school improvement process...